Mobirise Mobirise v4.7.1

Alpha Software Application
Upgrade and Conversions

We specialise in Alpha Desktop products

Our team has worked with Alpha Software products for quite a while now, concentrating on developing applications which both business and private community users like to have control over. This is often their Desktop computer or a local area network under their control.
Our free consultancy may help you decide how to proceed.
No ties, just information and options based on experience. 

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So why upgrade?

People upgrade for a number of reasons, and often because they no longer want to spend the time developing and changing their applications when there are other projects or activities which demand their time.

We are not an outsourcing operation - your software and environment remain under your control. Down the page we have described just some of the work we have undertaken for clients.

Fish Farming and Distribution

This project was to upgrade from Alpha 4 to Alpha 5.
There is a big difference between the two versions of Alpha,
as Alpha 4 will no longer work on the more recent
versions of Windows.

The process

Using screen images of the existing application and having exported the database information, we were able to relate the two. This is an experience thing and having worked across both versions, the relationship between the data and the user interface was relatively easy to understand. 


We developed prototypes which enabled us to demonstrate that we have understood the original application and how best to present it in a new one which runs on the latest versions of Windows. There was no charge for this service.

Building the App

The client did not need to purchase a new version of Alpha, We were able to provide all the necessary software required in order to place a completely operational application on their shared office server server under the licensing agreement we operate under with Alphsoftware.

Costs & Support

These are confidential and were agreed before any work started. Charges were hourly and in £ however $ are also accepted.
Support over Skype is free while remote data connection was charged at the hourly rate. The client may have saved up to 75% of the fees charged by other software operations who outsource the work and take a fee.



Ask for a quote or book a Skype Triage session (free)
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